Bridging the gap in power supply
One home at a time.
Uninterrupted power supply
to your homes and Estates.
Maximize productivity at work
with 24 Hour power supply sustained with clean energy.
Environmentally friendly solutions
engineered to leave little or no carbon footprint.

About Us

Telmek Energy Solutions (a subsidiary of Telmek Global Resources Limited) is an emerging indigenous private company providing prompt and reliable power solutions to help our clients achieve their desired comfort.

We believe that stable power supply and localized power distribution networks are crucial for the infrastructure development required in Nigeria. Hence, we are determined to bridge the gap caused by power system failures.

Our mission is to improve the narrative on how power and energy solutions are implemented in Nigeria by providing affordable, efficient, and clean solutions in line with the United Nations sustainable development goal 7 as well as the newly initiated power reforms.


Over the last few months, Nigeria has been undergoing power sector reforms aimed at improving the efficiency and reliability of its electricity supply. These reforms include privatization of power assets, unbundling of the Nigerian electricity sector, and the establishment of regulatory agencies to promote competition and private sector participation. These reforms were initiated to encourage
the following:

Increase in Power Generation Capacity

The Nigerian government has been working to increase power generation capacity to meet the growing demand for electricity. This includes the development of new power plants, both conventional and renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.

Off-Grid Solutions

Due to the challenges in expanding the national grid to reach all parts of the country, there has been a rise in off-grid solutions. These include the deployment of mini-grids and standalone systems to provide electricity to remote and underserved communities.

Private Sector Participation

The privatization of power assets has encouraged private sector participation in the Nigerian power sector. Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Independent Distribution Companies (DISCOs) are now increasingly involved in power generation and distribution, respectively.

Tariff Reforms

The Nigerian government has been working on tariff reforms to ensure cost-reflective pricing in the power sector. This is aimed at attracting investment, improving the financial viability of power companies, and ensuring the sustainability of the sector.

Our Services

Power Generation
and Sales

We provide off-grid and embedded power solutions to estates, organizations and various establishments.

Operations and Maintenance

Our team of experts are always available to provide O&M best practices that ensure the efficient and safe running of clients’ power plants.

Consulting Services

We offer consulting services to help our clients understand their energy need and proffer solutions to meet their power related requirements.

Our Facility

Our power plant facility is located within Lekki Phase 1 with a distribution network that is designed to deliver a robust service to clients in the lekki environs. For optimal functionality, it is situated on a
land with a good road network surrounding the plant as additional safety measures.

As part of our design, we have also factored in Ring Main Units (RMUs), placed at strategic locations to prevent any downtime in our service delivery. The ring system optimizes the network such that should any disruptions occur in the system, the plant will be able to back feed and still meet its service delivery objectives.

Since the plant engines are gas powered, the use of Natural Gas fired engines will result
in reduced energy costs compared to what is obtainable with diesel engines alone.

Why Choose Us


Our solution will provide insight on client’s energy spend. This information can be used for client’s power budgeting and planning.

One Power Bill

We can factor in the complete spectrum of power generation, by integrating all our client’s power needs into a single point of payment; thereby leaving them with only one power bill.

Equipment Life Span

Stable current of power which ensures the life span of all electrical equipment on the network.

Highly Efficient and Energy Saving

We station and operate our equipment for power supply close to the users to avoid transportation and distribution loss as well as reduce environmental pollution.

Environmentally Friendly Solutions

Our solutions reduce the emission of NO and CO2 by 60%-80% when compared to traditional fuel and fossil energy.


For the same quantity of power generated, our solution offers 30%-50% reduction in price in comparison to traditional solutions.

Access to Gas

Our strategic partnerships with reliable gas sources gives us unlimited access to gas which ensures the continuous supply of power as required by our clients.

Wide Application

Our solutions are applicable in various industries and can be tailored to meet clients’ specific needs.

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